Well we had about 3 weeks of pure joy and then the swine flu hit. We currently have approval from China to travel, we have our visa's, and we have a consulate appointment but the big thing we don't have is our provincial appointment. This is the appointment we have to have to get Shelby..ugh!! I've never heard of this happening and it doesn't' make sense...it seems like if the head of the adoptions in China has given us the ok then the individual province would allow it. They are planning on re looking at the end of May. So we need big prayers! My agency is still planning on us going as planned (with the hopes that the province will open up) so that means we bought plane tickets this week. We are scheduled to leave on June 3rd...I'm going to stop saying we think we are going June 3rd to WE ARE GOING
JUNE 3rd!!!! There hasn't been any real news on the flu on TV or in the papers so hopefully China will come to their senses. It's crazy to think of the number of people who come to China each month and they think keeping adoptive parents out will make a difference...again ugh. So that's where we are still anxiously waiting. If I can just get there and not get quarantined when we get off the plane do I dare say we will be home free? Who knows...