These were a cherished surprise!! Cousins Charlene and Leslie did the plaque and Great Grandma did the hand prints and poem. What a mother's day!

Lauren from left to right with her Meemaw, Mamaw, Grandma, and Grammy and reading the Alma Mater perfectly!

Shelby sporting her Minden Motorsports t-shirt and being a biker babe with cousin Brandon

Always a helper bee when it comes to opening you can see by the end she was the biggest present of all!

This is our spot of picture a great house with us in it

The pool was a big hit...a little cold yet for me but when the hot tub was cranked up that was pretty great! Can't wait for many more gatherings this summer!

Sewing with Great Grandma

Shelby loves all the dogs at the farm. Sam moved out there this visit and seems to be adjusting well to farm life.

This was waiting for me when I got back home...I thought it would be another 4 weeks before I got only if I had a job...

Last but not least these are a few of my favorites of Shelby and Avery from a girls weekend we had with her and Aunt Jen. back in April. Can't wait to go to North Carolina in July and see the whole family.