Welcome to our blog...we hope to be pros at this in time to go to China so we can keep connected on the trip of a lifetime. Please see the end entry if you haven't been thanked for all the support over the last few years. Jenny
Well here we are today...stretched out in mama's bed and wearing gram's bra while running and singing! These are a few from a visit to the zoo with Aunt Lauri, Jacob, and Connor on Saturday. It was hot but it was fun!!
We started out the 4th by packing up a bedroom...Shelby had the most fun of that deal I think! Then it was off to church. I was so glad this outfit Judi gave us last year still fit...my little patriotic beauty!!!
We were all off on Monday and had to get started early...we had a 2nd showing of the house from 10 til 11 so we headed to the park. Swinging is always a favorite.
That is until the sun gets in our eyes...she was asking for an umbrella to shade her eyes...Ms. Elsie our guide in China would have loved this...lots of umbrellas are used in China to protect you from the sun and heat!
This is a joy of basically being potty trained...when you gotta go you gotta go!! Mom took her to the park on Friday and that was the 1st time this happened. She wasn't sure about not having toilet paper but mom showed her how to shake it off! Well we went on Saturday and guess what...you got it a repeat performance and then again today. Somehow I think she is gonna fit in just fine at the farm...I knew she was related to cousin Walker...he has loved to go outside for as long as I can remember!
Her OCD came out on this tower...she had to pick up every piece of bark and clean it off.
Climbing up the slide...I thought it would take her awhile to figure this fun trick out.
My little dare devil. She started up this one and mom said she can do it. Well needless to say my heart is still skipping beats...all I could see was her crashing to the ground!
We finished today off at celebrating mom's birthday by going to lunch with Mary Ellen and then swimming at her pool. As you can see below swimming makes horsies very thirsty so Shelby was helping him get a drink.
Our wait for Shelby began on September 13, 2005. We are now very close to being with our angel. We hope to travel in early 2009. This has been a journey filled with many highs and lows. I want to take this oppportunity to thank everyone who has stood by me and prayed for us. My mom-she has been on this roller coaster from the first informational meeting and we take turns keeping each other grounded, my family-my grandma who helped me have the best nursery ever and my LA gang-for not giving up that they will soon have another niece and cousin, friends-way to many to name but I'm going to try (and if I leave someone out don't fret we will call it a paper pregnancy moment)-Lauri (all the cards), the Wardskis, Jen., Lisa, Sheri, Tiffany, my Hillcrest UMC friends...always patiently letting me cry, vent, and forever guess at what China will do next, and last but not least my work family-I can't even begin to express how they have kept me lifted up...from Sally starting her hair bow collection, Chinese New Year celebrations, Sebrina always keeping up with the rumor queen and marking the days off as we get them, and finally all the cards and pick me ups left quietly on my desk at the most needed times. They always know when the end of the month comes (referral time) I need a shoulder and pep talk and never waiver in staying positive. So thank you all again for what you have done and all that I know you will do until we have "Shelby Marie from Tennessee" (from the famous ? my dad had for her in her quilt scrapbook "Shelby Marie are you really from Tennessee...you look Chinese to me")
Shelby in chinese characters
Shelby is in the Guizhou Province (in Guiyang). So we will go to Beijing (top right), then to Guiyang (in the middle), and finally to Guangzhou (really southern)...just follow the red line. Then it's home sweet home we come!!