much can we bear?
How much devastation can I bear apparently a little more! I had hoped for a minimum of 3 days in this batch and as you can see we only got 2. I think this will push me out to an April referral. I think I can definitely say we will see her by May...with only 3 work days left including me even if they only do 1 day a month that means May. I'm trying not to be a downer but with this blow it's difficult. I'm hoping that this batch was so small because they are breaking for the Chinese New Year next week and they wanted to get them mailed. It's what I have to believe to get out of bed. Hopefully I won't be disappointed next month...goal is to get to the 6th so we can be next!!!
Still waiting for Shelby...
Our wait for Shelby began on September 13, 2005. We are now very close to being with our angel. We hope to travel in early 2009. This has been a journey filled with many highs and lows. I want to take this oppportunity to thank everyone who has stood by me and prayed for us. My mom-she has been on this roller coaster from the first informational meeting and we take turns keeping each other grounded, my family-my grandma who helped me have the best nursery ever and my LA gang-for not giving up that they will soon have another niece and cousin, friends-way to many to name but I'm going to try (and if I leave someone out don't fret we will call it a paper pregnancy moment)-Lauri (all the cards), the Wardskis, Jen., Lisa, Sheri, Tiffany, my Hillcrest UMC friends...always patiently letting me cry, vent, and forever guess at what China will do next, and last but not least my work family-I can't even begin to express how they have kept me lifted up...from Sally starting her hair bow collection, Chinese New Year celebrations, Sebrina always keeping up with the rumor queen and marking the days off as we get them, and finally all the cards and pick me ups left quietly on my desk at the most needed times. They always know when the end of the month comes (referral time) I need a shoulder and pep talk and never waiver in staying positive. So thank you all again for what you have done and all that I know you will do until we have "Shelby Marie from Tennessee" (from the famous ? my dad had for her in her quilt scrapbook "Shelby Marie are you really from look Chinese to me")
1 comment:
I hope that this month flew by fast for you like it has for me!! Just a few more days and we will know how far they have come. I pray that it is in this next batch.
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