I baked the cakes but the artist was my cousin Charlene!! They were so cute and Shelby loved them!!
She smiled so big while we were singing to her. She's got this birthday gig down pat!
Me, Brandon, and Mary getting into the spirit with our hats!
Charlene and crew gave her this store and she has loved it. She has served ice cream and many more delicacies to all since then. Please note her fancy shoes and earrings. Cousin Mary is one of her best playmates!
Grams got her this hissing snake...it sleeps with us.
The day before Shelby's birthday we went to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) walk that my Aunt Charlotte is a huge part of. We walked, got face paint, and animal balloons. I bought $2.00 in raffle tickets at the last minute and won 3 $50 gift cards (one to a children's boutique, one to an adult clothing store, and one to self tan...gonna give that one away). The event was at Party Central so we tried out the water bumper boats...I was relieved there wasn't anyone else riding...they aren't the easiest to drive if I must say!!
Panties they aren't just for your hiney anymore!
A girl has to look good while helping her Gram sweep the flood of rain water that came on the porch!!
The pad.
We have foundation!
Shelby is standing in her bathroom.
Our first bit of framing...this is my side bedroom wall.
This was her first day of dance. The first couple of weeks were rough but she loves it now and we have so many new tutus to show off in the future!
She loves to walk around with a pillow case on her head...the hat was an added accessory on this day.
These were taken befor we went for a "little walk" as Shelby calls them. She usually takes her back pack but today we had our wand just in case!! Don't worry her baby and stroller went as always.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Shelby!!!!! Looks like you had a BLAST! :) Can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!
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